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The Plasma Skin Tightening boasts being one of the only cosmetic procedures in the industry that uses plasma to instantly shrink, tighten and eliminate loose and excess skin. Plasma Skin Tightening is renowned for its remarkable Non-Surgical, Non-Invasive treatments such as, but are not limited to, Tummy Tightening, Eye lifts, Pigmentation Removal, Full Face and Neck Lifts, Stretch Mark and Acne Reduction. These treatments are low risk and hold a minimal recovery time of 7 days allowing the client to return to usual activities in no time. The best part is treatments can be performed in as little as 1-2 hours and are drastically cheaper than any surgical procedure with similar result.

What is plasma fibroblast therapy?

Plasma fibroblast therapy targets fibroblasts. These are collagen– and protein-producing cells in the dermis, the layer of skin just below your outermost skin layer.

Fibroblasts play an important role in helping skin wounds heal as well as maintaining skin firmness and tightness.

Plasma fibroblast therapy uses a pen-like device that discharges a high-frequency electric current to small areas of the skin.

The plasma tip doesn’t directly touch the skin, but instead releases a targeted current just above the skin. The hot current creates small holes, or micro-injuries, in the skin’s layer.

According to a 2019 article published in the PMFA journal, and a 2022 article,  published in the Medical News Today, the thermal disruption, or heat damage, from plasma fibroblast therapy:

  • breaks down proteins in the skin

  • encourages tissue regeneration

  • stimulates fibroblast activity

  • causes tissue contraction (tightening)

Am I a Candidate for Plasma Fibroblast Skin Tightening?

Ideal candidates for the plasma fibroblast skin tightening procedure are men and women with lighter skin (Fitzpatrick classifications one through three). Candidates should also be in good overall health with no pre-existing conditions.

Patients who want to avoid plastic surgery procedures such as facelift surgery, brow lifts, and eyelid lifts may be potential candidates for plasma fibroblast treatment.

Who Is Not a Good Candidate for Plasma Fibroblast Skin Tightening?

Fibroblast treatment is not ideal for men and women with highly melanated or dark skin. Patients with a higher amount of melanin in their skin are at higher risk of hyperpigmentation (dark spots) or hypopigmentation (light spots) following treatment.

You should not undergo plasma fibroblast treatment if you:

  • Are prone to keloid scarring

  • Autoimmune disorders

  • Heart conditions, angina or blood pressure problems

  • Have diabetes, healing disorders, or lymphatic draining issues

  • Have a pacemaker

  • Allergies to any anesthetics (Lidocaine, Benzocaine, Tetracaine) or topical preparations

  • Experience any of the following at the time of treatment:

  • Sunburn or tanned skin

  • Cold or flu-like symptoms

  • Cold sores in the lip area

  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding

Plasma Skin Tightening Pre-Care

  • If you are displaying signs of cold or flu the treatment should be rescheduled.

  • Contact lenses must be removed when performing treatment on the upper eyelids.

  • Skin should not be inflamed in the area we are treating prior to procedure.

  • If you have a sunburn/suntan treatment should be postponed for up to 8 weeks or until tan/burn signs disappear.

  • Discontinue use of any AHA and/or Retinol skincare products for 4 weeks prior to treatment.

  • Eyelash extensions receiving upper or lower eyelid treatment MUST have lashes removed prior to treatment and reapplied after 8 weeks.

  • Discontinue use of any cleaners, creams, and serums containing acids such as salicylic, glycolic, and lactic 4 weeks prior to having any facial Plasma Skin Tightening procedures performed.

When Will I Be Able to See My Results From Plasma Fibroblast Skin Tightening?

One of the greatest benefits of plasma fibroblast skin tightening is that you will notice immediate skin tightening results in the treated area that will only improve over time. In the following weeks, patients will continue to see enhancements to their skin’s texture, tone, firmness, and overall quality. Your skin’s natural aging process will continue, but the benefits you achieve from this advanced procedure will last for a long period.

The results from your plasma fibroblast treatment can be prolonged by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your skin’s health. For example, too much alcohol, smoking, and sunbathing can reduce or even reverse your improvements.

How Is Plasma Fibroblast Skin Tightening Performed?

The plasma fibroblast skin tightening process begins with a small, controlled electrical arc created by a plasma flash (energy) that is delivered to the lower skin layer (dermis) just below the outer skin layer (epidermis). These high-frequency electric currents will create micro-injuries in the skin that target and stimulate the production of fibroblast cells.

Fibroblast cells are a natural part of our body that plays a key role in helping our skin heal and maintaining its firmness and tightness. The collagen and protein production responsible for rejuvenating the skin can also be stimulated by these cells.

Collagen will continue to generate refreshed skin cells and heal the micro-injuries within the next four to six weeks. Once the healing is complete, patients will see a noticeable enhancement in the vitality, youthfulness, and quality of their skin.

What Is Recovery Like for Plasma Fibroblast Skin Tightening?

During the healing process, patients will have minimal to mild side effects that are easily manageable and entirely safe with the proper care. This treatment is under the guidance of a medical director.

How will my skin look immediately after the Plasma Fibroblast skin Tightening treatment?

The skin will have multiple millimeter trauma marks to the skin’s surface, and as healing occurs the skin will appear dry and flaky. In the first few days, skin feels tender and redness and swelling will be present. Every individual will vary, some may have very little swelling that subsided in 1-2 days, whereas some may swell for a week.  Pigmentation and redness from the small marks can be present for longer if the scabs come away earlier than expected, for example when lying on one side of the face whilst sleeping.

What can I expect after my Plasma Fibroblast treatment?

Final results depend on severity of skin laxity or size of lesion, the desired result, the general condition of the skin and any pre-existing skin or medical problems. Reduction in skin folds and creases appear immediately. The tiny dark brown spots flake off over the following one to three weeks and the skin will heal within a similar period. Swelling is common and can be quite pronounced around the eyes, often worse the following morning and lasting for several days. The area may be tender as it is healing and may scab. It is important to allow any spots or scabs to fall off naturally otherwise scarring or infection may occur. As the treated skin is sublimated, the results often last up to a year and vary with each client.

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Want to Learn More About Plasma Fibroblast Skin Tightening?

Plasma fibroblast skin tightening is an innovative and effective approach to correcting the aging signs that hide your true beauty. To learn more about plasma fibroblast treatment contact Beauty by Maggie at 520-559-8770 to schedule a consultation.

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